Cindy's Avian Art Show

My first love/passion in art is wildlife art - specifically birds done in pencil or scratchboard. I've recently rediscovered my bird art and am delighted to be spending time at this. I still have to do "paid work" like my Internet design business, but it's still wonderful to be making the time to pursue my art. Although I occasionally work in color; I prefer working in black and white and shades of grey.

So here is the art show:

Golden Eagle

mini golden eagle imageThis Golden Eagle was completed in July of 1996. He started as a pencil drawing and was then transferred to scratchboard. I used an Exacto Number 11 blade primarily as the scratching tool. A larger version of the eagle is available.

Great Blue Heron

mini great blue heron imageThis Great Blue Heron is my most recent pencil drawing, completed in June of 1996. He is drawn in several types of pencil on polished Bainbridge Board. A larger version of the heron is available.

Peregrine Falcon

mini peregrine falcon imageThis scratchboard drawing is a Peregrine Falcon, a bird making a comeback in US cities. Peregrines are released in cities to prey on pigeons. Because cities have tall buildings with "cliffs" such as windows on the 15th floor, peregrines are doing very well in cities and make good neighbors.

This drawing is on pre-coated EssDee scratchboard. It was completed in Spring 1996. A larger version is available.

Great Horned Owl

mini owl imageThis Great Horned Owl was done in pencil on polished Bainbridge Board - in 1987. A Larger Version of the owl is available for those with fast connections or love of owls. The image is about 84K - you've been warned.

The original drawing measures about 13 inches tall and 10 inches wide and is normally framed and hung on an office wall. Tho the scanner used is pretty good - it really doesn't pick up the detail in the image.

Bald Eagle

mini eagle imageThis Eagle was done in pencil on polished Bainbridge Board - in 1987. The small version speckles pretty badly, but the Larger Version of the Eagle is viewable for those who are willing to wait for a 59K image.

The original pencil drawing is on white board - however, the image lost its definition when scanned with a white background, so for the web, I added a dark grey background.


mini duck imageThis is a baby mallard done in scratchboard. The Large Version of the Duck is here - the image is a 60K gif file.

This duck has been used in a number of mediums, scanned and turned back to a line drawing for the web, used as an illustration for newsletters. He started life as a fairly simple pen and ink drawing.

Pen and Ink Eagle

mini eagle imageThis eagle has been done in many versions - he actually started as a stencil for silk-screening onto a t-shirt; but I never finished the project. Instead, one day I needed an eagle drawing for a newsletter - so I used the original stencil sketch - a very simplified version of an eagle as the basis for a pen and ink "dot drawing". The large version of the pen and ink eagle is available for viewing. This piece was done on drafting paper with india ink in a technical pen.

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Last update: 04/17/99

© 1995 - 2004 Cindy Svec
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