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People Make It Work!

Relevant Arts Enterprises, Inc. (RAE) is a graphic design and web development company. We specialize in helping businesses, organizations, non-profits, and individuals establish their graphic identity and build a presence on the World-Wide Web. Our expertise in both artistic and technical areas ensures that your project will meet your expectations, increase your visibility, and enhance your business image. RAE works with you to merge your traditional marketing plan with your Web-based efforts to maintain consistency in your communications.

RAE was formed in 1995 in response to a growing need for small businesses and non-profits to have access to the resources necessary to participate in the vibrant Internet marketplace. We provide top-quality design and technical services while keeping costs within your budget. Our goal is help our clients succeed through excellence in design and technology services. "When our clients succeed, we succeed."

RAE's office is located in Eatonton, Georgia, which is in middle Georgia on the shores of Lake Sinclair. We enjoy a small-town environment with access to big-town services. We hope to hear from you soon! You can contact us via any of the methods at the bottom of this page or you can use our handy Contact Form.

Thanks for stopping by and please surf responsibly!

Meet our founders -

Cindy Svec - President & Creative Director
Cindy SvecCindy began her career as a freelance graphic artist and publication designer in the Boston area 20 years ago. In 1994, she founded the first incarnation of RAE, then known as Resource Access Exchange. Her goal was to build a network of services for non-profit organizations providing corporate identity development, electronic design, and desktop publishing. She broadened her skill base to include Website design and development as part of building and promoting RAE. In 1996, she relocated to the Atlanta area and re-incorporated RAE in Georgia as Relevant Arts Enterprises, changing the company’s focus to emphasize Internet-based services and broadening its client base beyond non-profits to businesses and other organizational concerns.
Cindy’s firm grounding in traditional design and print marketing is used to provide RAE’s clients with an integrated approach when getting into new media such as the Web. One of RAE’s primary concerns in developing Internet services and Websites is to insure that they are closely linked with a client’s current marketing materials, while taking advantage of the opportunities unique to new media.
Cindy has authored materials for several publications including "Effective Web Design" published by Sybex books.
John Lock - Technology Director
John LockAfter a successful 28-year career with the Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, John joined RAE in 1997 when it was incorporated in Georgia. At Coca-Cola, John served in a variety of technology positions ranging from data center operations to technical consulting to software design and integration. His positions enabled him to play a critical role in Coca-Cola’s technology planning and direction.
Throughout John’s career, he has been required to balance the lure of “high tech” with the practicalities of implementation in a multi-national corporation. This broad perspective has been brought to bear at RAE in providing solutions that satisfy client requirements while balancing appropriate technology with cost and risk factors. One of RAE’s strengths is delivering solutions that are compatible with a wide-variety of hardware platforms, operating systems, and application software. John provides the direction and infrastructure that enables RAE to provide innovative solutions grounded in proven technology.
John is also a co-founder of the HTML Writers Guild, at the time the largest professional organization of web developers in the world with over 117,000 members in 150 countries.
RAE Capabilities -
    Traditional Graphic Design Services
    • Corporate Identity & Logos
    • Collateral Marketing Materials
    • Newsletter Layout and Production
    • Desktop Publishing

    New Media Services
    • Website design and graphics for your Internet, Intranet, or Extranet
    • Internet software development
    • Animation and Internet advertising graphics
    • Digital scanning and image processing
    • Digital Product Photography
    • Multi-media design (Flash, Shockwave, Director, etc.)
    • CD production

    Internet Services
    • Website hosting via commercial-grade computer centers
    • Email processing, mailing lists, routing services
    • Domain name services
    • Secure Servers and e-Commerce

    Via strategic partnerships with other companies, RAE can also provide:

    Technical Services
    • Integration of office systems with Internet services
    • Hardware/Software consulting
    • Technical Project Management

    Telecommunications Support (Atlanta-area)
    • Voice, data, videoconferencing
    • LAN installation
    • Network configuration

    Printing Services
    • Brochures, Business Cards, Direct Mail Pieces, etc.
    • 4 color digital printing (Indigo and Heidelberg presses)
    • Traditional offset printing

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Relevant Arts Enterprises, Inc.
107 Sinclair Lane
Eatonton, GA 31024-7636
Web site design © 2001-2004 RAE, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.